It's time for resolution! A Resolution for Desire..
September has been a month of researching and discovering
more about the word desire. What the word means to us, how to understand it, the pressure of it and its place in relationships.
In so many parts of our lives, we can attach the word desire.
But I want to maintain a true desire in all parts of my
life. I want to make a resolution to keep my desire in line with God’s plan. So
what is a resolution or what does the word mean?
Resolution or Resolve:
- to find an answer to
- to make clear or understandable
- to reach a firm decision about
Psalm 37:4 gives a clear definition on how to find your true
desire. How? We must “Delight ourselves in the Lord”. In going back to the
definitions, I would say that this is a good answer on how to find desire. The
last part of the verse makes things clearer or more understandable by saying
“And He (God) will give you the desires of your heart”. So this one verse has
helped me find the resolution to desire. And finally, I am able to make a firm
decision about my resolution of desire, because God has clearly shown me.
We need to do better than just understanding the word desire; we need to make a resolution to live it out in our lives according to God’s word and design. It’s easy to talk about desire, once you have a better understanding, but we are called to live it out. What an opportunity! The false desires of this world can be so loud sometimes. The enemy knows our hearts and tempts us with things that are passing away. But God has revealed to us our true desires. It’s time to take a step of faith, a leap of courage, and get our desires in line!
Resolve to be a man of
true and Godly desire.